First, if Indiana’s nationally known idiot is the a.g., and god’s mouthpiece is the lieutenant governor, which one is going to run this state? With egos bigger than t****, and determination to be FIRST, HIGHEST, TOP DOG (sorry canines, it is only an expression), will they destroy each other? If the people who “try” to be good, caring, unselfish, sharing, giving, accepting people do not stand up for our human and democratic rights now, then do not complain when our taxes are raised, services are eliminated and the only right you have left is to own and carry a military style killing machine. I hope our “destiny” is DESTINY’S

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Good luck, Destiny. It's about to get all stoopid in that race.

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So let me get this straight - Diego morales is as unethical and immoral as the rest of his party. I wonder what his policy on immigrants coming into the US is? Is it now that I’m here, close the door? Tell me how you can belong to t****’s party when they don’t like you, or your ethnic background; especially as your leader describes “your people” as thugs, criminals, mentally ill, and insane? Remember you are a member of the whites only party. The rest of the population are lesser people, and don’t deserve equality. Your party is working constantly to rid our state and federal gov’t of equality, diversity and inclusion. Where does that leave you? And then your brother-in-law can go back to selling cars. If he is a good salesman he probably didn’t need to make $108,000 (more than even yours!). I wonder how many workers in Indiana earn that salary; especially doing a job the above average 18 year old could do with a high school diploma.

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