For whatever reasons, Purdue seems to have approached this with indifference and reluctance. Very frustrating.

It's telling that the large number of local Republicans aren't complaining about this. Not a peep from Spencer Deery, for instance. He's intensely concerned about campus speech until it comes to students having the chance to express their opinions by voting, and then he apparently has no opinion at all.

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100% what I was thinking related to SB 202 and Spencer Deery: he wants students to have freedom of speech and thought, but not really interested in translating this into their right to vote

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For "whatever" reasons, yes.

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Waiting for Spencer Derry to come in and “save” the day. Meanwhile, maybe Purdue should cancel classes on Nov 5, pay City Bus and Uber, to provide free rides to students, faculty, staff and employees that would have to work that day, to provide transportation to the Tippecanoe County Vote Centers.

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It appears that the republicans have snookered us again! Who keeps electing and appointing these people who are unfit cheaters for public office?

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It’s unfortunate this didn’t work out, but the city hall location is fine. I remember voting there the year I lived in Shreve and while it wasn’t super convenient, it really wasn’t a bad walk, particularly since I was already walking to campus anyway. Just another 3 blocks from where I already was.

Purdue needs to make sure that no student is punished or penalized for missing or being late to class on Election Day.

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It should be a federal holiday, but you're right, at the very least Purdue should advise professors to put exams on other days.

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May be walkable for most students, but it also adds more volume to City Hall. It sounds like that location is already pretty busy.

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Purdue, oddly silent and/or non-cooperative...

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I'm hoping students are going to figure out how to vote. It's easier than getting to Illinois for an abortion. These obstacles are causally linked.

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Thanks for the coverage, Dave. I’m extra curious as to why no one from Purdue brought up the application for an Election Day site at the co-rec? Seems… odd?

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Article was pretty clear that the person in charge of vote center locations didn’t see the application until after the board meeting was concluded and couldn’t pass the info on to the board. And the board pres noted that it might not have made a difference given the timeframe.

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Yes, I gleaned that from the article (and was present at the meeting today). I guess I’m coming from a place of “why didn’t Purdue choose to make this statement before the board meeting”, and I suspect I know the answer. As it stands, they can say, “We tried”, and it’s likely too little, too late, and very disappointing.

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“At this time, there’s nothing else to share.”

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Right. Purdue could have made a case for hosting an election day site at any time in the past, oh, year. But they didn't.

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Thank you for taking the time to attend the meeting. They need to know that We The People are watching.

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