Lying. What Rokita is doing is lying. And, reading his words, he's clearly taken a page out of the previous President's playbook. Deflect any criticism by name-calling. The man needs to be much farther away from any seat of power. How soon can we get rid of him?

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It would seem that Mr. Rokita had the following words stricken from the Indiana Attorney’s Oath: “I will abstain from offensive personality and advance no fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party or witness.”

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As a Democrat, I've been very impressed with Gov. Holcomb's leadership through the Covid plague. He doesn't have an easy job leading nut jobs out of the plague times. Rokita is a horrible person. Don't forget Rokita was one of the first five Freedom Caucus members to sign the letter against Obamacare. Rokita never does ANYTHING to help the working class in Indiana; he's never held a real job in his entire life. I pity Mr. Holcomb having to deal with Rokita, but if anyone can put Rokita in the corner with his dunce's hat, it will be our Governor.

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