Thanks for the Tim's Picks! I've missed the "TGIF" style section ever since our local paper stopped being community based. Thanks to both of you for filling that void.

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TGIF vibes -- totally here for the Tim’s Picks!

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Excellent move on the Tim’s Picks!

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Hooray for the addition of Tim - a respected voice for the arts in our community! Thrilled to have the additional voices to help round out local coverage. Appreciating your efforts on our behalf, Dave - just don’t wear yourself thin.

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BILI has done it again!!

Tim’s Picks!!

Great job, Dave!!

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I enjoy the addition of Tim's Picks! We're looking forward to attending the Cécile McLorin Salvant concert tonight. :)

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Thank you for including the information about the upcoming debates between various candidates.

If you can, including links to the YouTube recordings for people to view later will be very useful.

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When available, I'll include what I'm able.

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