Mar 24, 2022Liked by Dave Bangert

That's one fully packed dispatch!

I listened to Secretary Albright at Purdue with great respect and felt honored to be in her presence. A huge loss.

And hurray for snagging Tim back to the local culture scene!

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The problem with calling Senator Braun's comments about state's rights and interracial marriages a gaffe is that it assumes that Braun misspoke. He didn't. Braun believes that interracial marriages are an affront to maintaining the "real" America as espoused by the Claremont Institute's recent position paper posted here--https://dc.claremont.org/a-new-conservatism-must-emerge/ We would do well in this fight for American principles to call Braun's comments what they are and not sugar coat them. Braun didn't commit a gaffe or misspeak. Braun said what he really believes. Believe him and stop making excuses for him. Anti-abortionists are fighting for their perceived right to breed capital as evidenced by the recent Idaho anti-abortion bill giving the rapist's family the right to sue when a rape victim terminates her pregnancy. What are the historic antecedents of this position? Institutionalized slavery--the original sin of America. Ask yourself why it is so important to the religious right to ban Critical Race Theory? The American Right doesn't want the average American to understand the intellectual antecedents of their positions. Being able to read and think for yourself was the fundamental reason the New England colonists prioritized public education. You want to understand how the slave holders perverted Christianity to justify selling their own flesh and blood to finance their lifestyles? Read Wendell Berry's 1970 essay, The Hidden Wound.

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