Naming snowplows, stocking Cover Lafayette and ... what a weekend for Purdue
This and that after a long holiday weekend …
Thanks to sponsors of today’s Based in Lafayette edition:
Purdue Convocations, presenting the Black Friday sale. Save 25% on the biggest shows at Purdue, including: A Feeling of Norwegian Christmas, Sean Jones’ Dizzy Spellz, the beloved musical CATS, Memphis Jookin’: The Show, Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show, the iconic Jesus Christ Superstar, and Les Violons du Roy. Gift an experience this year and save BIG at
And Purdue University, with a reminder that it takes tolerance and free speech very seriously, believing that responsible debate and deliberation are essential parts of the university’s educational mission. As a national leader on this topic, Purdue will host a panel discussion at 6 p.m. Dec. 5 in Stewart Center’s Fowler Hall focused on the vital role that open debate and civil discourse play in advancing a healthy campus culture of learning. Click the link below to learn more.
This and that after a long holiday weekend …
WOW, PURDUE: Champions of the Big Ten West in football. (Not to mention getting the Old Oaken Bucket from IU, in the process.) A tournament championship in the Phil Knight Classic in Portland, Oregon, after dominant – and really fun – wins over Top Ten teams Gonzaga and Duke in basketball. Keep that up, Boilers.

COVER LAFAYETTE PROJECT: Those initial sub-freezing days of the season last week put the Cover Lafayette Project’s work back into sharp relief. Now in its eighth year, the project is set up on the back porch of the Buttery Shelf Eatery, 927 Main St., near the corner of 10th and Main streets in downtown Lafayette. Organizer Julie Albregts said the coats, mittens, scarves and more will be in marked bins, 24/7, into the spring.

“The need is anything warm that will cover skin,” Albregts said. “Blankets, hats, coats, gloves, scarves for all ages. The process is simple. Take it or leave it. If you have extra laying around the house, leave it at the bins, if you need anything, take what you need. No questions asked.”
NAME LAFAYETTE’S SNOWPLOWS: The city of Lafayette is running your chance to name its snowplows in a Facebook promotion through Wednesday, Nov. 30. Here’s the deal, according to the city: The best and most clever names submitted will be collected for a vote, starting Dec. 1. Among the nominees, as of Sunday, include some inspired, Lafayette-centric ones:
Apocalypse Plow
Mayor Snowswarski
Mayor RosPLOWski (I sense a theme, here)
Axl Snows
Snow G’Loeb
The Lafayeti
Aaron Brrr
Snow Big Deal
Sled Zeppelin
Betty Whiteout
Fast and Flurrious
Buzz Iceclear
Alice Scooper
Sleetwood Mac
Here’s where to submit names, through Wednesday: “Name the Snowplows.”
PLANS IN LEBANON, WATER IN TIPPECANOE COUNTY: Questions are still thick more than a month after possible state plans surfaces to pump as much as 100 million gallons of water a day from the aquifer in southwestern Tippecanoe County and pipe it to a massive industrial site near Lebanon. (Here’s some background from late October: “Roswarski wary of state idea to pipe water near Lafayette to Boone Co. research park.”) WBAA reporter Ben Thorp had officials from the state and Lebanon talking about what they call a proposal in the earliest of stages. Here’s the report: “As state moves forward with Lebanon industrial district, some worry ‘they don’t have a clear plan.’”
JEROME ADAMS AND THE ‘TRUMP EFFECT:’ Dr. Jerome Adams, former U.S. Surgeon General, and Lacey Adams, his wife, offered a look into their public and private lives in a Washington Post feature over the weekend. The piece touches on points Jerome Adams have spoken about often since Purdue President Mitch Daniels hired him to be executive director of health equity initiatives at the university in 2021, including ways his conversations about public health have been tinged by criticism for his association with former President Donald Trump. (It’s something Adams talked quite a bit about in this piece shortly after he set up shop on the West Lafayette campus: “Q&A: Dr. Jerome Adams, from U.S. surgeon general to Purdue.”) For the full Washington Post story, here you go: “Former surgeon general faces his wife’s cancer — and the ‘Trump Effect.’”
THE MORE THINGS CHANGE …: Did you see the setup the Indiana women’s basketball team and others dealt with at the Las Vegas Invitational, a tournament played in a ballroom with no stands and barely a scoreboard? Pretty pathetic. Here’s IU coach Teri Moren on the situation.

Even better, check this piece from Matt Press, a columnist with the Indiana Daily Student, IU’s campus newspaper. It includes the following passage: “If we absolutely must hold basketball games where drunken couples normally dance away their bad luck on the slot machines, can we at least provide some decent viewing areas? Joking aside, the Las Vegas Invitational was a slap in the face to every team that signed up.” Just brutal, the column and the scene: “Las Vegas Invitational fiasco disappoints participants, overshadows Hoosiers’ sweep.”
ICYMI: This story and Q&A appeared over the weekend, lost in the leftovers and Black Friday crush. Here’s another shot: “An ‘Office’ mystery: One man’s search for Dwight Schrute’s shirt.” And here’s the full-length video …
Thanks to Purdue Convocations and Purdue University for their support for today’s edition.
Tips or story ideas? I’m at Also on Twitter and Instagram.
I put in 3 snow plow names because of this article
(My snowplow name )