Will the Fairfield Twp. Board follow through, start process to oust trustee? Public hearing’s today. Plus, Day 2 of post-Roe special session at Statehouse. And community rallies for the Barrett family
Tonight we will be making an audio recording the meetings. If anyone wishes a copy of the mp3 file(s) they need to notify me and it will be made available to them.
Sir, If someone would be able to help describe how that is possible to do, I would love to have it done, because that is better than having to sit and transcribe the recordings for the record, not that I am complaining.
Sounds like they used a webcam and a mic unless a mic is built into the cam....but we would still need a Zoom account to do that. Ok I think that was engineered by Angel so I will ask him. Thanks much.
Tonight we will be making an audio recording the meetings. If anyone wishes a copy of the mp3 file(s) they need to notify me and it will be made available to them.
Rocky Hession, Fairfield Secretary
All politics is local. And all local politics is incredibly stupid.
It’s to bad the Fairfield Township Board won’t be posting a video of tonight’s meeting to YouTube.
Having easy access to viewing these meetings is key to ensuring public accountability.
Sir, If someone would be able to help describe how that is possible to do, I would love to have it done, because that is better than having to sit and transcribe the recordings for the record, not that I am complaining.
Wabash Township, streams the meetings to YouTube from zoom.
While the meeting is ongoing anyone can view the meeting as it’s in progress and once the meeting is over the video can be watched at will.
Sounds like they used a webcam and a mic unless a mic is built into the cam....but we would still need a Zoom account to do that. Ok I think that was engineered by Angel so I will ask him. Thanks much.