Anyone who uses the word "originalism" in my presence is gonna get a throat punch.

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As a man married to a man, and as a man who is biracial, and as man with four of nine nephes bing biracial, and as a man who thrives in ways the founders would either have rejected or couldn't anticipate, I can share that "originalism" legally and intellectually lazy and dangerous.

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Young is one of those politicians who think our founders knew everything that would happen in the future. He wants to take us back to the "good old days" - you know, when only white people had agency and freedom.

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I don’t think theres a problem with “orginalism” but you have to be judicial (no pun intended) in thinking about what the writers might have considered. And in that case NO conservative or liberal can really apply “originalism” anyway. It’s all interpreting what they think the founders wanted.

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