Ms Sullivan's live report took me down memory lane. My oldest son was very cooperative most of the time, but I can remember meltdowns when I had to carry him out of a store like a sack of potatoes to keep him from kicking my pregnant belly. The youngest wasn't cooperative if he got bored, so we learned to find eating places with lots of activity and fast service until he grew out of the toddler phase. I don't know how many times, I have quietly folded cranes and nests out of random bits of paper and handed them to toddlers who are wigging out in restaurants or airplanes. The cranes distract the toddlers and give the parents a break. It's okay, I say to them, these are the easy years. Wait until they start hunting with your cars as teenagers; that's the tough stuff. Parenting isn't easy, but a sense of humor, which Ms Sullivan has will keep you sane.

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"Don't get in a MVC" ... one if the more insensitive (?) pieces of advice concerning COVID I've heard. I'm get that it's true, but it's sad.

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In context, I understood the point. The hospitals have been left with no margin for error. During an earlier surge, a doctor made the point that now would be a good time to cut out fatty foods, getting exercise and other healthy practices to lessen the chance of winding up needing care in an already-stressed system.

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The ridiculous behavior of Hoosiers and Republican politicians like Rokita are depriving responsible citizens of medical care. Why is that okay? I wish we had more plain speaking folks keeping it real. Truth isn't sensitive or insensitive. The truth is that failure to get vaccinated and wear a mask is killing people who get in a traffic accident, have cancer, break a hip, etc. Unvaccinated people are a threat to all of us because they are keeping good responsible people from getting the medical help they need.

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