
Mrs Meyer was explicitly accurate when she called the police chief an


The search warrant was later found to be issued without sufficient evidence and the 98 yr old died defending her right to privacy.

I hope the state of Kansas and the city of Marion pay dearly for this crime on freedom!

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David...Did I miss your outrange when false FISA warrants were issued? Did you call for someone to "pay dearly"?

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Is there a song title “I shot the sheriff”? And the entitled woman who started it all?

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I wonder about all that is not being said about the fate of Almost Home Humane Society. Like, why, after years of service to the cities, were they bypassed on this new facility? Why is there some other entity planned to run the new facility? What is going to happen to the people who have dedicated years of their lives to helping the animals of this area? What is not being said here?

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"volatile organic compounds get into drinking water when wildfires degrade PVC, HDPE and other common plastic pipes and that wildfires can contaminate private water wells." Uh-oh. Maybe we'd all best rethink all that PVC plumbing...

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Will the new animal shelter be “no kill”?

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So, the multi-use trail on Cherry is kind of a mess, then? It has a small stretch between McCormick and the turfgrass fields, then starts just again on the other side of the road just past the newly-constructed athletics facilities (which probably would have been a good time to fill that gap) and now is being delayed further east on Cherry between this new roundabout and the turfgrass fields, per WL Moves website. Yeesh.

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So, the reporting is that the noise ordinance was altered to assist city workers to avoid the heat. That is great and kind! Approve. Now, since noise is a topic of concern, why are West Lafayette and Purdue encouraging airport expansion? Talk about noise pollution.

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Yes, what about airbnbs noise, trash pollution and parking congestion?

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