Well, at least we are getting more fair treatment of this explosive topic. There are less hostile pictures of the Trustee. Her argument, whether people in Wabash Township are ready to hear it or not, is still that the Fire Protection District is "the way to go". All other approaches are "stop-gap" and not sustainable. She was pictured as being in the same general space as the Wabash Township Advisory Board. She was quoted about someone messing with her car (?) Her conversations with some of the spouses of the terminated or "soon-to-be -terminated" permanent fire fighters was also quoted. So, someone--probably Dave Bangert--is trying to get out more sides of the conflict. We need this kind of objective reporting.

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One of the things that has puzzled me all along is Teising's demeanor--she's not afraid of the legal consequences of her actions and she's been getting legal advice. Yesterday, this story hit the national news. Eric Prince trained operatives to infiltrate the Democratic Party and cause trouble. Is there a connection between Teising and Eric Prince? Who is paying for Teising's lawyer? Who is giving her legal advice? Teising isn't smart enough to be doing this on her own and she is doing major damage to the local Democratic party. Tippecanoe County is a legitimate target for Eric Prince due to Mitch Daniel's role in the Dominionist movement and Tippecanoe County being the only Democratic stronghold in District 4. Don't forget Todd Rokita's role in trying to dismantle the ACA and his continued attack on election integrity as Indiana's Attorney General. The leaders of the local Democratic Party should know how Teising was presented as a candidate initially. Is Teising an Eric Prince operative?

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