
"Contrived crisis." Exactly so. Teising is an Eric Prince operative. Princes' operatives were exposed in Wyoming. Wake up. Indiana has always been the test ground for ALEC and the uber conservative right, aka John Birch Society descendants. The problem with Indiana Democrats is that they don't understand evil and therefore can never protect the rest of us from evil. Teising is too dumb to be doing this on her own. She's always one step ahead of everyone else legally because she's an puppet--an Eric Prince operative.

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Dave, thanks for the continuing reporting on this ongoing saga.


What are is the exact role of the "Wabash Township Trustee?"

It seems that Ms. Tiesing's incompetency has moved from her not only impacting the Fire Department but now to shunning the issues of families dealing with autopsy issues.

For a person oft shone to be on her phone constantly, it would seem that she might want to take a soft ball hit to help resolve issues with the deceased of our district.

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It is good that the community is getting more complete and fairer coverage of this story by an experienced journalist. More facets of this complex story are being presented. In addition, we are beginning to see more attorneys, courts, and references to state law, and less "boilerplate" repetitions about the Trustee's place of residence, legal or questionable. Also there are fairer depictions of persons involved--and that is a relief from what the community has been seeing for the past few weeks.

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